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The Lightning Dragon is quiet and wise, generous and fair... and so very patient. But he does have a darker side... buried deep inside... Only resurfacing after countless chances are given. Once that limit is reached, 
it's the end... There is no going back... Destruction follows... He wants to teach... nah... to make the world understand that all beings need more fun in their lives. 
The world would be so much better with a daily dose of fun in the mix. So many sacrifice the fun for other stuff. Having lived this long, he realizes life is too short.

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The first 5 video games that made a big impact in the Lightning Dragon's life...

It began in 1987, with a game called Final Fantasy on NES. It was a game changer (no pun intended), and it made the Dragon seek out more RPGs. He discovered Wonder Boy: Monster Land in an arcade in a very small video store. He'd clean up the neighborhood of its empty cans and bottles (just like in an RPG: find cans and sell them to the shopkeeper for gold (well, quarters) to get a chance to play) Oh, how the streets were clean. Now, every time he sees an empty can somewhere, he feels nostalgic. After that came Dragon Quest 1 in 1989 on NES. WOW! Just WOW! Then, in 1990, the Dragon visited some rich people and they had an Amiga with Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday on disk. It was a blast! Also in 1990, a different RPG game, Destiny of an Emperor, was found by the Dragon and he was very pleased with it. And the last one was in March 1993, around the Dragon's birthday, the game was Inindo: Way Of The Ninja on SNES. What a ride... the Dragon remembers... Since then he has tried so many RPGS; on paper, like AD&D for many years, as a player and as a DM, 
on portable devices like the Game Boy and Nintendo DS (it made going to work fun). All this led to today, and Prophecies of The Ancient Realms. Let The Fun Begin!!!

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